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  • Welcome to the S-Ateen Online Community!  S-Ateen is a part of the S-Anon Family Groups.  We know what it's like to live with or be around someone with sex addiction.  We know the difficulties, but here you can:


    • Share experiences, strength, and hope with other S-Ateen members
    • Discuss difficulties
    • Learn effective ways to cope with problems
    • Encourage one another
    • Help each other understand the principles of the S-Ateen program
    • Learn how to use the Twelve Steps and S-Ateen's Twelve Traditions


    If this is your first meeting, we suggest you try at least six meetings before deciding whether or not S-Ateen is right for you.  We invite you to check out the S-Ateen Online Community web site, post a self introduction, and participate in the open sharing on any of the Weekly Topics.  The daily devotional is also a great place to start your day.


    S-Ateen meetings are weekly, and we also offer a Step Study meeting that meets once a month.  Visit the S-Ateen Calendar for the dates and times.


    Also, we recommend you print out the "Letter to Parents" and give it to your parent(s)/guardian(s) so they can best support you in your participation with the S-Ateen Online Community's weekly meetings.


    If you're interested in purchasing helpful recovery literature, you can visit the online S-Anon store.  Specifically, we recommend "What It's Like to Be Me" which is written by S-Ateens for S-Ateens.  You can also visit the Alateen Store to purchase Alateen literature.


    If you have any questions about the S-Ateen Online Community or the S-Ateen fellowship,  please contact the S-Ateen Administrator.


    Keep coming back - it works if you work it!

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